DFW Private Gun Lessons: One-on-One Gun Classes with a Licensed Firearms Instructor

best handgun classes in dfw

Call or email us for pricing and availability.

DFW Private Firearms Instruction

Are you a celebrity, self-proclaimed VIP, or willing to pay for a date with Grant and Zach? Today is your lucky day! If you see a handgun or rifle class you would like to attend, but our firearms class schedule doesn't work for you, or maybe you'd feel more comfortable in a 1 on 1 training environment with one of our instructors we are glad to offer you private shooting lessons. If you have a range preference, we can meet you there or utilize our personal range area in south Fort Worth. Outdoor ranges are STRONGLY preferred. STRONGLY. For real... Strong...Lee... Travel is within reason of the DFW area. Please contact us about your deepest shooting fear and we will make your anxiety go away!